Tendons are a powerhouse in your body. 3131 Nassau St Suite 101 Everett WA 98201 425 339-8888 Fax 425 258-6933.
Key Insights On Tendon Transfers For Drop Foot Podiatry Today
The most common tendon transfer is to take the tendon that pulls the foot in called the posterior tibial tendon and use a 4 incision technique to transfer the tendon from the back and inside of the foot posteromedial to the front and center aspect of the foot anterior.

Tendon transfer surgery foot. The joint is then fused with a screw andor wires. A tendon transfer involves a surgeon removing a tendon that is close to the severed tendon and sewing it into the place of the broken tendon to restore function. Doctors may recommend tendon transfer surgery for someone with nerve damage.
It is then transferred up into the midfoot. What Is a Tendon Transfer. The tendon that pulls the big toe up extensor hallucis longus is released often through the same incision.
To understand why its so important it helps to understand how tendons work. CMT surgery is all about taking away the strong tendons that are deforming the foot and transferring them to strengthen the weaker tendons. A tendon transfer is moving a tendon from its normal anatomic location to another area of the foot or ankle.
A Posterior Tibial Tendon Transfer Approach Foot drop is associated with a wide variety of conditions that result in loss of dorsiflexion at the ankle. Posterior tibial tendon transfer has long been the mainstay to combating drop foot. The surgical procedure for a foot drop is called a tendon transfer.
Foot and ankle ligament and tendon reconstruction is surgery that repairs damaged ligaments or tendons in the lower extremity. A common problem is loss of the ability to raise the foot up which is called foot drop. Tendon transfer surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia.
A healthy tendon is identified cut at its normal insertion rerouted through the soft tissues and bones and then sutured to another bone in the foot. Surgeons usually take tendons from. Tendons typically are transferred in order to restore more normal movement to a foot and ankle that has lost function.
Tendon transfer is a procedure used to restore more normal movement to a foot and ankle that has lost function. What is tendon transfer surgery in the foot. Who Needs a Tendon Transfer Most commonly in foot and ankle surgery tendon transfers are used for painful flat feet when the diseased posterior tibial tendon is replaced by the transfer of the flexor digitorum longus tendon from the leg.
Tendons can tear partially or completely during a joint injury. Originating in the fibula the FHL runs down the leg and passes through the band of tendons in the back of the ankle on its way through the foot to the big toe. Tendons are long thin bands that attach your muscles to bones.
Extensor hallucis longus tendon transfer to foot. As part of a flat foot corrective procedure the damaged posterior tibial tendon which attaches the muscle in the inner calf muscle to the bone on the inner side of your foot is replaced by a transfer of the flexor digitorum longus tendon which is found on the inner side of your leg. When the muscles contract the tendons pull the.
Tendon repair is surgery done to treat a torn or otherwise damaged tendon. This is usually combined with an osteotomy or cuts to the bone in order to realign the heel. 0-6 week Post-Surgery Patients should generally protect the repair for about 6 weeks to let the tendon transfer heal while being non-weight bearing or limited weight bearing through the heel in a cast or cast boot.
In some cases a wedge or several wedges are placed into the boot or shoe to protect the FHL andor Achilles from overstretching. This transfer takes away the deforming force of the peroneus longus that is pulling down the inside of the foot and creates a stabilizing force to prevent the foot from twisting inward. An incision is made along the foot and the damaged tendon is exposed and removed.
In general a tendon transfer is a procedure in which a tendon and attached muscle that is still working is taken from one part of the foot and moved to another part of the foot to try to replace the missing muscle function. Watkins et al first reported on this tendon transfer in 195412 Classically the surgeon transfers the posterior tibial tendon through the interosseous membrane and inserts the tendon to the third cuneiform. Tendons are the soft band-like tissues that connect muscles to bone.
Ankle Foot Clinic of Everett. Ligaments connect bones to each other to support a joint. The tendon transfer procedure is used to reroute a tendon to a new path along the top of the toe.
That damage keeps the tendons in your foot or ankle from moving correctly. While some tendon transfers allow the ankle and foot to move up and down and regain some motion others bring the foot into a position where it is easier to walk stand and wear shoes but will not increase range of motion. The flexor hallucis longus FHL tendon which is the tendon responsible for flexing the big toe is commonly used in reconstruction surgery for the Achilles tendon.
At The Holly Private Hospital our experts can undertake tendon transfer surgery to relieve the pain and discomfort of people who are living with pain in the feet and toes.
Those patients that are undergoing back spine surgery obviously have a back problem. Theres evidence suggesting a difference in the success rate of spine surgeries in smokers and non-smokers.
Smoking Tobacco Use E Cigarettes And Spine Surgery
Tillo the procedure was explained to me thoroughly including the risks the clinic is beautiful and very cleanI received the best care I could think of on the day of my surgery the staff were very friendly and caring the surgery went well and.

Smoking and back surgery. The amount of smoking also had an effect on patient satisfaction with spine fusion surgery. The crucial reason we ask patients to stop smoking after surgery is to allow the surgery the best chance of success. My consultation was booked with Dr.
This surgery is used to relieve pain associated with a compressed nerve in the spine. Most of you may not know this but studies have shown that smoking has some really negative effect on the outcomes of the spine surgery. Smoking greatly increases risk of complications after surgery.
1 While it is well-established that smoking compromises healing from spine surgery this new study suggests that improvement is actually tobacco dose-dependent said Alan S. Smoking and back surgery dont mix well. Studies have shown that smoking cigarettes decrease our ability to heal and increase the rate of disc degeneration.
Smoking affects circulation of blood in the small vessels. Smoking how long and how much affects the bodys healing response from a common spine surgery according to a new study presented 31 st Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society NASS. I found centre for surgery by searching online.
The more you smoke before surgery the harder it will be to maintain abstinence post-operatively. Smoking will increase the back pain associated with the diagnosis predicating the surgery as well as increase the pain related to and after the surgical procedure. Tobacco smokers are at significantly higher risk than non-smokers for post-surgical complications including impaired heart and lung functions infections and delayed or impaired wound healing.
People who are facing fusion or any spine surgery should make every effort to stop smoking. I had 360 Liposuction and BBL with centre for surgery 11012021. Breaking the habit before surgery however can reduce such risks and improve the odds of having a successful spine procedure.
Two or more of the small bones in the spinal column vertebrae are welded together with bone grafts and internal devices such as metal rods. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to cells. This procedure requires a bone graft to be implanted between two vertebrae in order to facilitate new bone growth to stabilize the spine.
Quitting the habit beforehand will decrease the associated risks and increase the likelihood of a successful spinal fusion surgery. Clearly cigarette smoking is detrimental to spinal fusion. Cigarette smoke also impacts the immune system which can increase the risk of post-surgery infection.
When I schedule surgery I tell my patients they should stop smoking right away. Smoking causes changes in vertebral bone that result in conditions requiring surgical intervention with spinal arthrodesis. Now is a better time than ever to stop smoking.
How smoking and other risk factors can contribute to back surgery complications A common type of spine surgery is a spinal fusion. Smoking and Spinal Fusion Surgery Spinal fusion surgery is often used to treat disk disorders in the neck and the lower back. It is best to quit at least one month prior to surgery.
HIlibrand MD an. The connection between smoking and spinal surgery persisted even after researchers accounted for other factors that can increase the odds of lower back pain such as aging and obesity. The longer you are abstinent from smoking before surgery the more likely you will stay abstinent after surgery For further reading.
Smoking groups of less than a pack per day PPD one to two PPD and greater than two PPD were compared. Smoking remains an important issue when it comes to back pain and spinal surgery. The surgeon cuts away bone at the sides of your vertebrae to widen the space where nerves exit your spine.
Healthy Habits After Back Surgery. If you want a good result from your back surgery particularly if its a spinal fusion dont smoke. It was found that the more a person smoked the more dissatisfied he or she would be with the spinal fusion surgery overall.
In a spinal fusion bone or bone-like material is placed between two ailing vertebrae as a way of stimulating them to unite. We know that smoking causes our blood to carry less oxygen. Smoking before surgery puts you at a higher risk for postoperative heart attacks blood clots pneumonia and even death says pulmonologist Humberto Choi MD.
This is important because there is little circulation to the the shock-absorbing discs that cushion our spine. A new study selected as a Best Paper at the 31st Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society NASS indicates that tobacco use may interfere with the bodys healing response from cervical myelopathy surgeryand that this is based on number of cigarettes smoked over a lifetime.
Surgical repair of a hernia often involves implanting a mesh screen to help strengthen the affected area but defective mesh material or a failed implant can cause serious complications and mesh manufacturers and in some cases health care providers can face liability for resulting harm to patients. Some of the complications that can arise after a hernia surgery are adverse reactions to the mesh rejection of the mesh infection to nearby organs mesh erosion and migration.
Ct Findings Of Complications After Abdominal Wall Repair With Prosthetic Mesh Sciencedirect
More specifically men with mesh repair for inguinal hernias report erectile dysfunction loss of sensation and difficulty achieving orgasm.

Mesh problems after hernia surgery. While those complications could arise because of a surgeons negligence it could also be because the device was faulty. Complications can include chronic pain adhesions bowel obstruction infection mesh migration and hernia recurrenceWhile there can be many symptoms that result immediately or soon after your surgery pain and serious complications may occur years later because of defective. Second and subsequent hernia operations at the same site are more challenging and prone to failure than first attempts.
The most common adverse events following hernia repair with mesh are pain infection hernia recurrence adhesion and bowel obstruction. Complications and hernia mesh pain years later may persist for years after the pain commences. After hernia mesh surgery patients have reported symptoms of pain mesh failure and hernia recurrence.
Have there been changes done to the mesh or the surgery or the Dr. SeromaHematoma Formation It is a common complication after laparoscopic hernia surgery the incidence being in the range of 5 to 25 percent. Problems with hernia mesh can occur immediately after the surgery or years later.
These inactive bacteria can remain hidden for months or even years after being set in into the surgical area. Hernia recurrence is the most common complication of hernia operations including those in which mesh is used. According to the FDA the most common complications of hernia repair surgery with or without mesh are pain infection hernia recurrence adhesions intestinal obstructions bleeding abnormal connection between organs or blood vessels fistula build-up of fluid at the surgical site and organ perforations.
Many hernia mesh products have caused unnecessary injuries. Deleterious side effects may arise months or perhaps years after a hernia mesh surgery. Some other potential adverse events that can occur.
They are especially seen after large indirect hernia repair. Well-known and very-recommended surgeon plans to do it laparascopically with mesh. Infection complications may not arise for years after the surgical mesh is implanted.
If youre suffering from complications after having a hernia mesh placed youre probably thinking the surgery went wrong. Is the current mesh repair safe. During hernia repair surgery it became difficult to insert the hernia mesh inside of a patient because of this issue which led to complications for surgeons and medical professionals.
Some hernia mesh products generated so many reports of complications to the FDA that the devices were eventually recalled. For most hernias mesh when used and placed correctly will help reduce risk of recurrence with minimal risk of complications says Hinojosa an assistant professor in the UCI School of Medicines Department of Surgery. People with hernia mesh complications may experience a change in sexual functions characterized inability to become physically aroused.
As with most surgeries some pain after hernia repair resolves after the incision and tissues heal. Seven common signs and symptoms of hernia mesh failure include bulging burning constipation impotence and sexual dysfunction nausea lethargy and pain. The causes are improper surgical technique shrinkage of the mesh and movement or migration of the mesh.
Recalled Hernia Mesh Devices. According to the FDA potential adverse events following hernia mesh repair include. I know there have been tons of problems and lawsuits around the mesh repair but its still being done.
Hernia mesh pain years later. Even though there were plenty of attempts by Covidien to release more stable versions of the hernia mesh the polyester-based mesh always led to further. He classifies the general risk of recurrence after hernia repair surgery this way.
Delayed and long-term complications can result from hernia mesh repair surgery where hernia mesh is implanted. Pain is one of the most common complications after hernia repair surgery with mesh a medical device made of polypropylene plastic that supports weakened or damaged tissue. If you have laparoscopic hernia repair the pain after surgery is less and there is less of a chance of having longstanding pain afterward.
Mesh used for hernia repair surgery has a high failure rate that can cause injuries to patients even years after the implant. Mesh shrinkage or contraction. Surprisingly many of the improperly sterilized hernia mesh contain inactive bacteria called endospores.
Then after the bacteria reactivates itself a hernia mesh infection is at a higher risk. Training that have made it so. Pain and recurrence of hernia are other risks associated with this surgery.
Hernia mesh complications include adhesion bowel obstruction or perforation infection rejection and migration. About 75 out of 1000 cases of hernia surgery have chronic pain as one of the hernia repair complications. Most resolve spontaneously over 4 to 6 weeks.
Hence the exact cause is muscle weakness in your abdominal wall letting your hernia sac to entirely descent resulting from the lack of exercise. Inguinal hernia repair is a common surgical procedure.
Inguinal Hernia Treatment Without Surgery Grocare Grocare India
Some are essential to make our site work.

Healing inguinal hernia without surgery. The belt as well as the trusses prevents the hernia from moving to its original place. Unsightly uncomfortable and very debilitating it is a pathology for which doctors usually recommend surgery as the only possible treatment option. First an evaluation by a trained health c.
Inguinal hernia surgery is also called herniorrhaphy or hernioplasty. Femoral and inguinal hernias account for roughly about ninety percentages of every a hernia. This Hernia Kit helps to get rid of intestinal inflammations increases the strength of your digestive system by balancing pH and also regulates bowel movements.
If you are suffering from a hernia eating quality rich food but in smaller quantity is the mantra you should follow. This particular oil addresses stomach problems. Enlarging or painful hernias usually require surgery to relieve discomfort and prevent serious complications.
Exercises to strengthen the entire muscle system. How to Treat Inguinal Hernia Without Surgery. How is an inguinal hernia repaired.
They can provide temporary relief but surgery is the only definitive treatment for a hernia. Do exercises to strengthen the inner and outer obliques and transverse abdominals. A hernia usually does not go away without surgery.
According to statistics inguinal hernia will affect one in four men during their lifetime. Hold it with your hand when coughing sneezing or straining. They bind the hernia and remain intact in its place.
Wearing a hernia belt is probably the most important way to treat inguinal hernia without surgery. In children the doctor might try applying manual pressure to reduce the bulge before considering surgery. To treat the inguinal hernia without surgery or prevent the condition from getting worse wearing a hernia belt might help.
First an evaluation by a trained health c. The surgeon then pushes the hernia back into. Wear a Hernia Belt.
We are here to tell you I R R E F U T A B L Y that inguinal hernia sites can and do heal without surgery. To heal an hernia without surgery it needs a lot of engagement and self responsibility apart of that it takes much longer and is not just a quick repair but is a healing process which goes far deeper and includes the whole being with all levels - and. Walk lightly on your feet.
We are here to tell you irrefutably that hernia sites can and do heal without surgery. A surgical procedure in which an incision or cut is made in the groin. Grocare has created this Herbal Hernia Kit to help heal hernia naturally.
This site uses cookies to store information on your computer. With that said you will often be required to convince even the most avid holistic practitioners that healing your hernia without surgery is not only quite possible thats the way they were always healed before the first surgical associations so dominated the field of hernia repair. If you want to know a natural hernia treatment you can read this article.
Because very few ever work with their hernia in a truly conscious way rare is the case that is ever known to heal naturally or spontaneously. Stay away from foods that inflame the intestines. Modern society now REACTS to inguinal hernias with the reflexive response of surgical repair.
But Ill make a long story short here. There are two general types of hernia operations open hernia repair and laparoscopic repair. These supplements Acidim and Hernica combined with lowered stress a proper diet and restored gut health can drastically reduce inguinal hernia symptoms.
Castor oil helps to inhibit inflammation inside the stomach and promote proper digestion. During inguinal hernia repair your surgeon pushes the bulging tissues back into the abdomen while stitching and reinforcing the portion of the abdominal wall containing the defect. Top 10 natural remedies to treat hernia without surgery.
Since more than seven year there are no symp. Regular practice of yoga poses like tree pose single leg raise with movement and leg crossing can prove beneficial in taking any pressure off the abdominal opening thereby making the inguinal hernia treatment without surgery a possibility. They do so without putting you at risk for the complications of surgery or the recurrence of inguinal hernia after surgery.
Ive had an inguinal hernia for over 4 years. Some of you may know that I have developed a hernia belt that I use every day. Why I started what I had to work through everything.
If you read through this blog you can see my whole story about trying to heal my inguinal hernia naturally without surgery. Others help us improve the user experience. Learn about inguinal hernia repair surgery recovery - including what you might experience as you recover from the first day through the first few weeks.
Wear a hernia belt. Non-surgical approaches such as wearing a corset binder or truss may exert gentle pressure on the hernia and keep it in place. Eat a fiber-rich dietWhen it comes to food quality and quantity are two sides of the same coin.
Get rid of hernias. Sadly the standard of care in todays world for a symptomatic inguinal hernia would be a surgical repair. These methods may ease the pain or discomfort and may be used if you are not fit for the surgery or awaiting surgery.
There are 3 types of inguinal hernia repair. It is a fact that I healed my inguinal hernia without surgery. If someone is diagnosed with a hernia following natural remedies can help in getting relief from the symptoms of hernia.
Pectus excavatum repair is surgery to correct pectus excavatum. Warning signs tend to be subtle but if your child experiences frequent shortness of breath difficulty breathing during exercise chest pain or light- headedness or otherwise is not able to keep up with their peers consult your childs primary care physician who may refer you to a pediatric surgeon or pectus excavatum specialist.
Pectus Excavatum Resultat Avant Apres De L Operation Par Implants 3d
Moreover in some cases especially in adults there is an increased risk of pectus excavatum recurrence after Nuss bar removal surgery.
Pectus excavatum surgery risks. The costs risks and results of pectus excavatum surgery for adults. Becmeur et al have published a retrospective. In the vast majority of cases pectus excavatum is harmless and is a cosmetic issue.
Pectus excavatum is a congenital defect that causes the chest wall to appear sunken. Surgery can correct the deformity. This may happen when surgeries are performed prior to growth spurts puberty or if not leaving the bar in long enough.
Pectus excavatum may be mild or severe. This is a congenital present at birth deformity of the front of the chest wall that causes a sunken breastbone sternum and ribs. It may worsen during the teen years.
The relationship between radiation dose to the ipsilateral lung and subsequent radiation-induced lung disease RILD in breast cancer patients with pectus excavatum PE undergoing radiation therapy RT to residual breast tissue after breast-conserving surgery has not yet been established. Chest bar displacement is prevalent in grownup patients. Our recently developed bridge technique reduced the rates of one of the major complications bar dislocation dramatically 0.
Pectus excavatum is the most common congenital chest wall deformity characterized by depression of the sternum and adjacent costal cartilage. The incidence of RILD in such patients with PE meaning that a large volume of the lung is. Although major complications with MIRPE and pectus bar removal surgery are very rare awareness of the risk and mortality of life-threatening complications is essential to ensure optimal safety.
During the pediatric age range one the most frequent deformities of the chest wall are Pectus Excavatum PE. Any additional surgical procedure to correct your chest can be hazardous and even ineffective. Metal allergy is a common difficulty related to the Nuss procedure.
Most Pectus bars are built of titanium which is a biocompatible material that may cause allergic reactions. Pectus excavatum is also called funnel or sunken chest. It often results in lack of confidence and shortness of breath.
Pectus excavatum often becomes more severe during the adolescent growth spurt. However certain deformities like pectus excavatum can further worsen the scoliosis seriousness as the sufferer gets older. Currently the treatment of choice for PE is surgical intervention following the Nuss procedure.
Severe scoliosis can cause a lot of trouble. In most people scoliosis is moderate. Pectus excavatum is a condition in which the breastbone sternum of the chest is caved in.
Risk of pectus excavatum recurrence According to the research the risk of relapse is minimal 2. Generally the lungs work only about 50 post-surgically. The Pectus bars are built of metal.
After surgery lung functionality is decreased. Some doctors dont recommend taking the surgery on some adults with severe pectus excavatum because of bar turning and relocation that commonly occurs after the surgery. It occurs in about one in 400-1000 young adults and is more prevalent among males 1.
But even mild cases of pectus excavatum can make children feel self-conscious about their appearance. Also called funnel chest pectus excavatum is more common in boys than in girls. Pectus excavatum is a deformity of the chest wall where the sternum and ribs develop inwards causing the rib cage and chest to appear sunken.
Severe cases of pectus excavatum can eventually interfere with the function of the heart and lungs. In conclusion older patients adolescents and adults have more asymmetric pectus deformity and are associated with increased risks for complications after PE repair. It can reduce the amount of space in the chest which will restrict lung functioning.
The coronavirus is especially dangerous if you recently underwent a pectus excavatum surgery Nuss or Ravitch procedure. Severe pectus excavatum may cause problems with the heart and lungs. In this study we present a description of the complications associated with surgical treatme.
In some cases the condition can lower the capacity. This happens because several ribs and the breastbone grow abnormally. The retrosternal dissection during the MIRPE and the placement of the bar can certainly cause a life-threatening complication such as cardiac injury.
Also an uneven pectus excavatum is very hard to be repaired cosmetically by relying only on the Nuss procedure.
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- insurance
- integrity
- intelligence
- intelligences
- interbody
- interest
- internal
- introduction
- invented
- iphone
- iron
- irritable
- islam
- islands
- issues
- james
- janus
- japan
- japanese
- jean
- jebsen
- jelly
- jenu
- jobs
- johns
- joint
- justice
- justify
- kidney
- kinase
- klondike
- knee
- komline
- korea
- lack
- language
- large
- leader
- leaders
- leadership
- leading
- learners
- learning
- left
- lesions
- levels
- life
- ligament
- light
- lightning
- like
- lined
- liquid
- literacy
- lithium
- live
- liver
- living
- loading
- located
- long
- longitudinal
- lorraine
- loss
- lost
- love
- lower
- lumbar
- lung
- lungs
- lymphatic
- lymphedema
- machine
- macular
- madness
- magnets
- main
- make
- maleate
- malignant
- management
- manual
- manufacturers
- many
- marfan
- markers
- marketing
- marriage
- mask
- mass
- massage
- material
- math
- mean
- means
- measures
- mechanism
- media
- medical
- medication
- medicine
- meditation
- medium
- memory
- mental
- mentally
- mercedes
- mesenteric
- mesh
- message
- metabolic
- metformin
- methacrylate
- methodist
- methods
- methotrexate
- methyl
- middle
- migraine
- mile
- military
- milk
- minds
- mineral
- mines
- mining
- misdiagnosed
- missile
- misstatement
- model
- modern
- molding
- monomer
- mononucleotide
- morgue
- morocco
- mosquito
- most
- motor
- mound
- mountains
- mouth
- movie
- much
- multicultural
- multiparametric
- multiple
- multiplication
- munro
- murders
- muscle
- muscles
- music
- muslim
- mutual
- myeloid
- myelopathy
- nanoscale
- narcissus
- narrative
- narrowing
- nasal
- national
- natural
- naturally
- near
- nebulizer
- neck
- negative
- nepal
- nerve
- nervous
- nest
- nevada
- ngozi
- nicotinamide
- nicotine
- night
- nitric
- nitrogen
- noble
- nodes
- nonprofit
- nonrenewable
- normal
- north
- northeast
- nose
- novel
- novol
- nstemi
- obamacare
- obesity
- oblivious
- observation
- obstruction
- occupational
- oils
- olive
- omeprazole
- oncology
- online
- only
- open
- operating
- ophthalmic
- options
- oral
- organizational
- oscar
- osmosis
- outcome
- outer
- ovarian
- ovary
- over
- oxide
- oxygen
- oxypetalum
- pacific
- pads
- pain
- palsy
- pamoate
- pancreas
- pancreatic
- pantoprazole
- paper
- parenthood
- park
- part
- participant
- particle
- parvizi
- pasola
- patients
- patriarchy
- paulownia
- peak
- pectus
- peel
- peer
- pelvic
- penile
- people
- peoples
- percolation
- personality
- persons
- pertinent
- pessary
- petroleum
- phase
- phone
- phospholipids
- physical
- physiology
- piaget
- pictures
- pigment
- pilocytic
- pinched
- pipe
- pipes
- place
- places
- plan
- planned
- plant
- plants
- plasma
- plasminogen
- plastic
- play
- plot
- poetry
- point
- police
- polls
- poly
- polycarbonate
- pono
- poor
- porpoise
- portrait
- position
- positive
- post
- posterior
- potassium
- powder
- practice
- practices
- prader
- precision
- predictive
- pregnancy
- pregnant
- present
- presidential
- pressure
- prevent
- priceline
- primidone
- prison
- probabilistic
- problems
- procedure
- process
- processed
- product
- profile
- program
- progressive
- project
- promote
- properties
- property
- prostate
- protection
- proteus
- psoriatic
- psychology
- ptsd
- puberty
- public
- pulmonary
- pulse
- pumpkin
- pyrantel
- qualitative
- quality
- quantitative
- queen
- questions
- race
- radio
- raisin
- ramsey
- range
- rapid
- rate
- rates
- rating
- reading
- readmission
- real
- reason
- recall
- records
- recreation
- reef
- reefs
- reference
- reflecting
- reflexology
- reform
- regression
- regulator
- reinforced
- related
- release
- relief
- religion
- reluctant
- removal
- repellent
- research
- resilience
- resources
- results
- reverse
- review
- reviews
- rheumatoid
- rhino
- rica
- rich
- risk
- risks
- river
- rnase
- robot
- role
- roof
- room
- round
- royal
- rush
- saharan
- sale
- salt
- sanderson
- save
- scale
- scars
- scatter
- schlatter
- science
- scientific
- scientist
- scorpion
- scratch
- screen
- search
- secondary
- section
- security
- seed
- seeds
- selective
- seniors
- sensor
- sensorineural
- sequoia
- serotonin
- service
- sesame
- seven
- severe
- shampoo
- sheep
- sheltering
- shielding
- shifting
- should
- side
- signs
- silent
- silk
- situ
- size
- skin
- sleep
- slow
- small
- smoking
- social
- society
- softball
- software
- soil
- solutions
- solve
- someone
- sores
- soul
- source
- south
- specific
- speech
- spina
- spinal
- spine
- spirit
- splint
- sprain
- spray
- spreads
- spurs
- spyware
- squirrel
- stage
- stages
- stamp
- state
- statement
- states
- statistics
- steel
- stem
- stemi
- stenosis
- steve
- stones
- straight
- strategies
- strategy
- stressor
- strips
- strokes
- structures
- struggle
- students
- study
- submerged
- subtractive
- sufism
- suicidal
- sulphur
- superior
- supplement
- supplements
- supply
- support
- suppressor
- suppurativa
- surgery
- survey
- survival
- sustained
- sutures
- swan
- switch
- switzerland
- swivel
- symptoms
- syndrome
- synthesis
- system
- systeme
- systems
- tablet
- tack
- taiga
- take
- takes
- tank
- tattoos
- teaching
- team
- teamwork
- techniques
- technology
- tempering
- tenant
- tendons
- tenosynovitis
- term
- test
- testing
- tests
- texas
- that
- theory
- therapy
- there
- thinking
- third
- thirteen
- this
- threats
- through
- thyroid
- tick
- time
- tinnitus
- tissue
- toddler
- toddlers
- tongue
- tort
- touareg
- touch
- towers
- tract
- training
- transfer
- transformation
- transfusion
- translation
- transliteration
- treatment
- treatments
- tree
- tribes
- triple
- trump
- tumor
- tunnel
- twice
- twin
- type
- types
- ulster
- ultrasound
- under
- unit
- united
- ureter
- urinary
- used
- using
- uterus
- utopian
- vacuum
- validation
- value
- values
- valve
- vena
- village
- vinifera
- violence
- vipassana
- virtual
- virus
- visual
- vitamins
- vitex
- vivo
- volcano
- voltage
- waals
- walk
- water
- ways
- weak
- weather
- weekly
- weight
- welfare
- well
- what
- when
- where
- white
- willi
- window
- wisdom
- with
- without
- woman
- women
- wool
- words
- work
- working
- world
- worlds
- worn
- would
- wounds
- wrote
- yawning
- yeast
- young
- your
- zika
- zoloft